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Sudbury Bus Station - Comment 019

Page updated - 15 September 2015


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Email received 15 September 2015



 Dear Tony,


Just to acknowledge the emails on the Sudbury Bus Station area of your website and to confirm my agreement with much of what is said.


My daughter commutes daily to Ipswich via Beestons and I am very aware of the problems created if she misses the last through bus to Sudbury.


Unfortunately the Steering Group are not really concerned about increasing bus use or expanding the bus services. That they did not think to pick up a local bus timetable and realise that not many services would actually use a Girling Street stop says it all.

Back in March 2009 I prepared an outline solution for a 'linear station' in Great Eastern Road when the last discussion took place to re-site the bus station. The Sudbury Society is trying to get this considered seriously once more.

All power to your efforts, best wishes, (Name supplied)



Thank you so much for your kind words and your inputs - Webmaster



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