
The Great Cornard Information Website

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Website - Further information

Page updated - 10 January 2021


This Website has 'evolved' since its inception in March 2004 and has always taken a Responsible, Accountable and Accessible stance. During the years it has continued to 'grow' and 'diversify' in its content. Currently the website is about 100MB with about 1000 pages and about 6000 hyperlinks. The website seems to receive somewhere between 200 and 300 visits PER DAY and I thank everyone who has been kind enough to acknowledge the achievements of this website.

A TOTAL RE-BUILD of the website is currently underway and the resulting website will provide a more aesthetic and versatile website to a professional standard and including many more features. I apologise but, in preparation for this, some of the content has been removed from the website. I ask for your patience and to 'wish me luck' as this guy with a Bus Pass, now has to learn YET ANOTHER new - at least to me - computer programming language!  As always, your 'constructive' suggestions are welcome and will be gratefully received.

Sadly due to personal priorities, but I hasten to add NOT personal problems, rebuilding this website is taking far longer than I originally planned. Sadly, during 2014, I attended far more funerals than baptisms and weddings combined. Also I have been assisting family, friends and some acquaintances during their 'times of need' and, I have felt privileged to be able do so. All in all, the updated website is a long way behind schedule than originally planned but with the 'nights drawing in' - at least in the Northern hemisphere - I will be less involved with gardening and decorating and be able to 'focus' on the update. Please feel free to share you suggestions for this website.

Tony - (10 Jan 2021).

The Website

This totally independent website is run from the village of Great Cornard, Sudbury, Suffolk, England in the UK and is run to supply a source of information for Cornard and the surrounding area. On this site are Great Cornard Parish Councillors details, Cornard businesses, Cornard Clubs, Groups and Organisations, Cornard People profiles and much, much more. Also there are many links to associated websites.

This website is still totally funded, compiled and managed by Tony Harman to supply a service to acknowledge the needs of local residents and to promote & support groups, organisations and businesses in Great Cornard and the surrounding area.

Please continue to free to email me with questions, queries, suggestion or possible content for this website. Being totally independent, the website has no association or affiliations to any other publication or organisation. To date there has been no financial charges made to, or any monies received from, anyone regarding this website.

The Concept

This Website was to offer a source of information and contact details for the residents in the village of Great Cornard and the surrounding area but everyone would be welcome to use it. There is still a lot more to be added but for a complete list of the pages currently available check out the Table of Contents.

Your input is also very welcome so if something is important & useful to you then it could be good information to someone else so please share it with us. If you have promised content and have not yet sent it, please send it and don't keep promising to send it. I can only add content, not promises!

Eventually, there will be separate email addresses for contacts on the Website but in the meantime please Contact Me using either of these Hyperlinks.

Please make www.cornard.info one of your Favourites and drop in frequently to check the latest content. Microsoft Windows can 'click' the right-hand and then select 'Create Shortcut' or 'Add to Favorities'.


Every, reasonable, effort has been taken to ensure that the information is correct but if you notice something is incorrect, missing or in the wrong place please tell me and try to give me some 'pointers' why you feel it is wrong. Also no claims are made, or responsibilities taken, for any business, trade or service listed here or on any other website but I do reserve the right to add and remove content.