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Medical References Index

Page updated - 13 DEcember 2011

Health Resources Index - for related resources

Allergy - Peanuts - Special Diet Needs.

Click on Peanut Allergy for more information on the symptoms and unexpected sources of peanut in a number of 'everyday' foods. Further information is also available from this website page. Although the percentage in the UK & USA would appear to be about 1% of the population, there is a higher percentage for babies and young children. In the UK the figure is about 1.8% for children starting school.

Allergy UK - Information and advice on allergies.

Established in 1991, Allergy UK is a national charity aimed at increasing understanding and awareness of allergies. In 2002, Allergy UK launched its Chemical Sensitivities Division. For further information click on the hyperlinks or telephone 01322 611 646.

. . but you don't look ill - Cheerful support for hidden illnesses. The group meets on the second Thursday of the month in the Stevenson Centre, Great Cornard. Click on . . but you don't look ill  for further information on this local group.

Diabetes (Mellitus) - Abnormally high levels of sugar in the blood and urine

Click on Diabetes - West Suffolk Hospital to access the very successful website set up by a consultant at West Suffolk Hospital (Bury St. Edmunds, UK). There are sections with easy to understand information on diabetes, new products & drugs, and instruction on how to inject using a syringe and measure blood glucose with a meter.

Heart Attack - Surviving when Alone - An essential Self-Survival Guide.

Click on Surviving a Heart Attack when Alone to access this essential list of Self-Survival instructions.

Salicylate - Rare and complex condition resulting in an intolerance to a group of chemicals found in its natural form in many vegetables, fruit, herbs and other plants and in a manufactured form in medicines, solvents and perfumes.

Click on Salicylates to access the dedicated website area or Salicylates in Food for a list.

Stroke Identification - Recognising a Stroke using the STR test.

Click on Stroke Identification to access the STR test.