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Domestic Violence & Abuse

Page updated - 20 February 2005


STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE  -   Freephone 0800 783 5121

Did you know that one in four women in the UK experience domestic violence and abuse at some stage in their lives? Or that one in eight will suffer from physical or mental violence in any 12-month period? Or that domestic violence and abuse accounts for 25% of all violent crime in the UK?

Domestic violence and abuse is not an occasional disagreement. It is a pattern of behaviour used to establish and maintain power and control over the other.  It is found in every part of the country and in all types of households, since violence and abuse of this sort is no respecter of income or status.

The Babergh Domestic Violence & Abuse Forum was set up to bring together as many agencies as possible to whom women/men facing domestic violence and abuse might turn, in order to share best practice, in terms of influencing agencies to develop appropriate policy and procedure.

The Forum wants to emphasise to the general public that firstly, domestic violence and abuse is ALWAYS unacceptable. Secondly, that victims of such abuse are not alone. With help from the various agencies on the Forum victims can take positive steps to cope with the situation in which they find themselves.

The Forum currently runs a Support Group for victims/survivors of domestic violence and abuse. It is a friendly and informal group run by people who have suffered domestic violence and abuse themselves and are there to offer first hand experience and support. If you are a victim of domestic violence and abuse you can just turn up on a Wednesday morning, 9.30 – 11.30am, at Chestnuts Family Centre, Cats Lane, Sudbury.

The Forum aims to develop further resources for women, men and children affected by domestic violence and abuse. If you would like further information about the work of the Forum, would be interested in volunteering with the various projects, or would like to seek help, advice or support please contact me as Chair of the Forum and Co-ordinator of the West Suffolk Domestic Abuse Service for Children & Families on 07966 982611 or (01787) 312012.

For other information on this Website for further advice, telephone numbers and related Domestic Violence and Abuse Websites click Further Advice

Cathy Press – Chair of West Suffolk Domestic Violence Forum

25 Jan 2004