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Breathe Easy Sudbury

Page updated - 24 November 2011



Sudbury patients can breathe easy


A new support group has been set up in Sudbury for people affected by lung conditions.


Breathe Easy Sudbury is open to all those who fight for breath as a result of conditions such as COPD, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis and asthma. Friends, family and carers are all welcome.


Claire Battye, Development Officer at the British Lung Foundation, said: “Having a lung disease can be a frightening and often isolating experience but Breathe Easy groups provide a great support network.


“We want to help people with lung disease live with their condition, not just suffer from it. The new group will be a great resource for local people and will offer them advice, information and the support of others who understand their needs.”


Breathe Easy Sudbury has been set up by the British Lung Foundation in partnership with the Suffolk COPD Services. It is one of over 200 similar groups across the country, which are all part of the British Lung Foundation’s support network, ‘Breathe Easy’.


The group meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 2 to 4pm at The Stevenson Centre, Stevenson Approach, Great Cornard, Suffolk, CO10 0WD.


Please come along and find out more over a cup of tea or contact Claire on 07971 290 666 for more information.


Click this hyperlink visit the Breathe Easy Sudbury website for further information.