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Chat to a Councillor |
Page updated - 03 January 2011 |
November 2010
Chat to a Councillor - Update
The opportunity to meet a Councillor and have an informal chat has now been ‘running’ for over 3 months. It is fair to say that, so far, there has been no problem with crowd control BUT there have been a number of residents who have come and had a chat and ‘we’ aired a wide range of subjects.
My reason for introducing this ‘facility’ for the residents was several-fold; to be aware of some of the ‘problems’ that residents encounter within the village, try and understand the situation from their perspective and then to discuss and work out what can be done.
It is not breaking any confidences but some of the subjects discussed have been; Allotments, Car Parking, Footpaths, Hedge & Grass-cutting, Rodents (rats in particular), Recreational Areas, Children’s Play Equipment and our Cemetery. Some of the discussion has been to ‘clear the air’, clarify policy, obtain contact details and, often more important for residents, get a problem resolved. I must thank all those who have helped to resolve some of the issues outside my ‘jurisdiction’.
Afterwards ‘we’ agree on who will investigate or follow-up any unresolved points. So far it has been agreed that ‘the resident’ will pursue one or two of the points and your Councillor (often me) will pursue the other points. Most points can be answered fairly easily but I still have a couple of issues outstanding due to ‘official contacts’ outside of the Parish avoiding, or should that be ‘ducking’, giving a straight answer. I will continue to ‘chase’ them until one ‘us’ gives up and I have no intention that it will be me!
The location is the Stevenson Centre, the time is from 7pm to 8pm and the dates for the forthcoming ‘Chats’ are:
2010 6th & 20th December 2010
2011 Wednesday 12th & Wednesday 26th January 2011 Wednesday 9th & Wednesday 23rd February 2011 Wednesday 9th & Wednesday 23rd March 2011.
If you feel that you have a reasonable reason to come and ‘Chat’ with a Parish Councillor then ‘we’ looking forward to meeting you.
Please check this webpage, or Great Cornard Parish Notice Boards, for latest dates, times and any other information.
Tony Harman – Parish Councillor (Co-Opted) – 16 Nov 2010
August 2010
To make your ‘unpaid’ Parish Councillors even more accessible, meetings have been arranged every month at the Stevenson Centre. If you would like to
Chat to a Councillor
that is exactly what you can do.
If you are a resident of Great Cornard, why not come along on Monday evening? Although there is no guarantee of a positive outcome, there is a promise that justified concerns or comments will be taken seriously.
Meetings at the Stevenson Centre have been booked for:
2010 6th & 20th September 4th & 18th October 1st & 15th November 6th & 20th December
Currently there is no need to book, so if you are a Great Cornard resident with some local concerns just turn up.
In future it is hoped that County & District Councillors will also be available at the meetings.
Tony Harman – Parish Councillor (Co-Opted) - 14 August 2010