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Sudbury Bus Station - Comment 024 |
Page updated - 20 January 2016 |
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Review by Tony - 20 January 2016
Sudbury Bus Station - Clink the hyperlink, on the left, to get a printable copy of this review
REVIEW OF THE MEETING in Sudbury Town Hall on Friday 15 January 2016
Do you have any serious interest in the future of Sudbury? Please read ALL of this review, in context, and NOT just pretend you are reading what you would have liked me to have written.
Firstly, due to other priorities, I have to admit that this was the first Sudbury Bus Station meeting that I have been able to attend but I have been able to 'monitor' some of the 'goings on', albeit, at a 'distance'. By carefully listening to the comments from those who had attended the various meetings regarding the proposed Bus Station changes I had formed the impression that those who SHOULD have been listening, such as the Sudbury Steering Group and others, may have been listening but 'they' certainly were not taking any notice of the comments and concerns expressed. Now, having attended a meeting my impressions, and fears, have been substantiated.
The turn-out - bearing in mind that the meeting was held at a fairly 'awkward' time for very many people - the attendance was amazing with over 200 (possibly 300) people present. From where I sat in the Assembly Room, in the Town Hall, even if I could not see the faces of all of them, I was able to see most of those present, could hear their comments and observe their body-language. Apart from a few 'impartial observers' and 'plants', everyone else in the audience seemed to have a very positive and constructive approach to retaining viable Bus Services and supporting a sustainable town.
From the audience, during the public comment section of the two-hour meeting, there were many serious & heartfelt questions asked, much reasoned argument and many constructive fact-based inputs from the floor. None of the comments and concerns were allowed to influence the 'recommendation' upon which a decision was taken.
The several basic impracticalities of the location being Girling Street, and not Hamilton Road, were totally ignored other than to 'cite' nebulous facts, irrelevant detail and a variety of points that were not unsubstantiated and probably cannot be substantiated. Despite being 'told' that all options were carefully considered before the final three were 'selected', it was blindingly obvious to the large majority of the 'public' that many of the Steering Group had little understanding of the requirements of the bus services and bus users. Also no Steering Group members seemed to actually know the routes taken by the various services, but this not really surprising as most of them do NOT live in Sudbury and none of them seem to use the bus services anyway.
I found the conduct of most of the Steering Group members reminiscent of the 'characters' portrayed in the John Cleese management training films of the 1980's. For those unfamiliar with the films, they were based on style of the sketches in Monty Pythons Flying Circus. The crux of the training films was to over-emphasise the worst styles of management and unacceptable behaviour of managers. During the meeting there were many examples of prima donnas, bullies, intimidators, downright disrespect and a couple of examples of those who had been subjected, and succumbed, to this despicable and disgusting behaviour. Shame on you all.
The selected members of the Sudbury Steering Group should represent the needs of local residents of Sudbury and the surrounding areas for the positive future of the town by supporting the infrastructure for the growth of the retail sector, service industries, leisure and transport. Most of the members are either elected Councillors or have attained a level of responsibility to responsibly represent the residents. Several receive payment from monies 'collected' from local residents; yes US.
To most of those at the meeting, it was blatantly obvious that the decision had been made prior to the meeting and whatever valid points or concerns raised was going to be allowed to alter the bureaucratic box-ticking exercise of recommending Girling Street. The only criteria that the Sudbury Steering Group need to satisfy to represent the residents and businesses is to make the best decision for Sudbury. Sadly, and for various reasons, they have failed and should be deeply ashamed.
However, if you feel there is any fault with my appraisal, you are more than encouraged to contact me with your version. I am very willing to correct any errors in the review: I am not too proud to admit any mistakes I have made as I do not have any hidden agendas or an ego that needs 'plumping'.
Whether you agree or disagree with my review, or have any background information that needs to be shared, please feel free to email me. Please click here to send me an email .
Tony - 20 January 2016
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