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Sudbury Bus Station - Comment 021 |
Page updated - 18 September 2015 |
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Email received 18 September 2015
It has just been announce that there will be further cuts to the Service 236. Maybe that's the plan B axe all the bus services and they don't need a bus station.
The cuts are not drastic but there is not much left of this service. On Saturday it will be reduced to 3 Journeys in 1 direction and 4 in the other. There are also some cuts to the afternoon service on Mondays to Fridays.
The new timetable starts on 26 Oct 2015: http://www.suffolkonboard.com/content/download/5291/20743/2015-10-26+236.pdf
Beestons currently have a 4.91 year contract to provide the School Journeys only at a cost to Suffolk County Council of £862,011.58 on top of that they will get any fares revenues from fare paying users.
The contracted days of operation for the school journeys being a 190 days a year. The contract expires next year.
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