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Sudbury Bus Station - Comment 015

Page updated - 07 September 2015


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Email received 7 September 2015




The Sudbury Steering Group have now done another U turn and are now suggesting that there is a single bus station in Girling Street. Other than it is in a single location it has no advantages and a lot of disadvantages.


The two preferred options by both the WSP report and the earlier Suffolk County Council report both said the bus station should be located in the Hamilton road quarter. My preference being the Great Eastern road location as it gives easy entrance and exit for the bus from Great Eastern road and can allow for services to run to the rail station. It also provided for essential lay over space for buses.


Operationally it is also the best location for the bus companies. It also allows to a degree for further potential expansion of bus services.


Link to article http://www.suffolkfreepress.co.uk/news/latest-news/is-the-bus-station-now-moving-to-girling-street-1-6941806



These constant poor decisions indicate the Steering Committee in my view lack both expertise and the knowledge required & will cause considerable damage to bus services and Sudbury if they are allowed to continue


At the rate they are going it will be another location for the bus station next week.



Here are a few points regarding this latest option:


1) Too far from Town Centre.


2) Congested areas already. Cars queue up to get into the Supermarket which will be made worse by the loss of almost of the car parking space and it I in the middle of a large one way system meaning some buses most buses will have to loop around the one way system twice.


3) Increased pollution.


4) No layover space for buses a major problem.


5) Remote from rail station.


6) Some routes will not be able to operate to current timetables leading to potential withdrawal of the services. Distance from town centre and rail station is also likely to result in a some loss of passengers.




Comment from the Webmaster:

The Bus Station was located where it is now for several VERY GOOD REASONS. Before any changes are made, there have to be EVEN BETTER REASONS for doing so.


What are the reasons for wanting to move the Bus Station? I have asked this question many times of many people and have yet to receive a valid reason. I have received very few answers but I will list some of these 'comedic' answers in a later Comment page; perhaps it will make someone smile.



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