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Sudbury Bus Station - Comment 010

Page updated - 06 September 2015


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Email received 01 September 2015



Not sure if your readers have this link. It is to a 2010 Suffolk County Council report which came to the same conclusion as the WSP report that was that the Great Eastern Road Bus station was the preferred option. The other option they gave was the same as the WSP report was putting it into another corner of Hamilton Road.


2010 Suffolk County Council report:




The Steering Committee seem to be intent on Sudbury not having a bus station. . They have no real plans for the site & the Great Eastern Roads Bus Station would  be pretty much on an area occupied by businesses at the moment. The idea that they cannot  redevelop the site unless they have every square inch has no basis at all in fact for retail having a bus station  nearby is a big bonus as it increases the footfall


Sudbury already has a large surplus of retail property and building more retail will not attract more shops. The likelihood is there will be further contraction of shops in Sudbury


The maim users of town centre shops tend to be those without their own transport so good bus facilities would give an increase in shoppers


As far as I can see they have done no research even on what if any shops they would attract. I suspect it would be mainly food outlets many of which might just relocate from other parts of the town



Nearly all the proper reports for the area show mainly residential development with some food outlets



WSP Ltd do not indicate it means anything. They appear to be a global consultancy & Engineering company and have a Transport division so have a lot of expertise. I suspect the Steering Committees expertise in transport is Zero and about the same for redevelopments


Link to WSP UK Transport Business:





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