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Sudbury Bus Station - Comment 004 |
Page updated - 24 August 2015 |
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Email received 24 August 2015
This email is sent to you from someone who uses buses to
shop and attend hospital appointments.
Copy this email to any resident who should see it before
we lose even more of our public transport.
Many local
people would not be happy if the bus station moved from Hamilton Road.
There are
two main issues: A. The idea
of split bus sites is not acceptable to residents and/or bus users. The
majority objecting to the Girling Street site but happier with a site close
to the railway and having electronic timetables, toilets and shelter.
B. What
timescale is there for changes? With no known developers interested in the
Hamilton Road site, if the bus station moved Hamilton Road would become a
were consulted some years ago on a new bus station. However, the chosen site
did not appear at the recent 'Engagement' held at the Town Hall.
If there were any development of the Hamilton Road area it must include improved road junctions at Belle Vue and Great Eastern Road which, at the moment, are very dangerous for both pedestrians and road users. New road signage is vital to take heavy lorries away from our narrow, old streets. Heavy traffic is very damaging to the structure of these old buildings.
Send other email addresses to
sudburybuses@hotmail.com to be
added to the email list.
I have been told that more information & comment is on
community website www.cornard.info
My regards – B.
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