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Sudbury Bus Station - Comment 002

Page updated - 18 August 2015

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Email received 18 August 2015



The proposal to replace the existing Bus Station with a number of on-street bus stands in two different locations of Sudbury is in my view unacceptable and unworkable. One of the locations, Girling Street, is a long way from the centre of Sudbury it also already has congestion problems and is in the middle of a large one way system. A split location would make interchange between buses very difficult. Currently Chambers (Bus & Coach Co.) will be changing their timetable to improve interchange between bus service and rail services. With a split bus station this will not be possible.


The proposal by the Steering Committee goes against the advice by the expert report commissioned by Suffolk County Council. The Steering Committee's choice was rated as one of the worst options. Their proposals make no provision at all for buses to lay over for crew changes. Many buses inter-work so would need to be in two different locations which may make the current timetables unworkable.


Many buses also travel across Great Cornard to Sudbury which means they would need to use both Bus Station but this would mean in most cases the buses would have to go around the Girling Street one way system twice increasing journey time and congestion and pollution.


The Steering Committees' preference also goes against the requirements of the Local Transport Plan which calls for a central transport hub.


The Steering Committee have made no proven case as to why a single Bus Station cannot be accommodated. I think everyone accepts that the area around the bus station needs improving.


Sudbury already has a surplus of shops and that surplus is likely to grow as it is likely that some pubs will close and some banks as well as Estate agents.


 The Steering Committee keep going on about a cinema but it would be very difficult to attract an operator to Sudbury and if they did they would want an out of town location so a Cinema has no bearing on this redevelopment.


 Having a Bus Station close to a redevelopment is a plus for retail as it means a high footfall passing their door. Redeveloping it for retail though would not result in more hops. What normally happens is shops migration to the redevelopment and close down the old location.


In my view the sensible option is Option 3, A Bus station off of Great Eastern road. It is close to the existing Bus Station and is pretty central. The advantage of that location as well is it offers the potential for buses to serve the Railway Station. It would need a turning point to be provided though. Great Eastern Road also means buses can lay over at the Bus & Lorry Park. If you go to the Bus Station you will frequently see 3 or 4 buses parked up whilst crews are changed over or they take there breaks. The Steering Committee have made no provision for that, neither have they provided toilets.


Another serious concern is the unaccountability of the Steering Committee and their refusal to engage with the electorate. We had the pretence of a consultation where they only wanted to consult on the choice they had made. That is not a consultation!


Another concern is the contempt and rudeness shown by the Steering Committee at the public meeting. I have found not one single person in favour of their scheme. Only the Steering Committee seems to favour it. In my view this committee should be disbanded, it has not followed the brief. It has not engaged with the electorate and is not fit for purpose.


I am also very disappointed by the lack of involvement of our local Councillors on this matter. They are elected to represent us but seem content to let this unelected Steering Committee make the decisions.



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